Meet Our Governors
The Governing Body of the West Exmoor Federation is made up of thirteen members. The school, the community, the church and the the local authority are all represented. The membership of the Governing Body is currently made up of the following people:
Jan Stokes - Chair of Governors & Local Authority Governor
My wife and I moved to Lynton in 2012 to be closer to our family, especially the youngest son, wife and grandaughter, now added to by her brother! I joined the Governing Body of West Exmoor Federation in April 2013 and was elected Chair in January 2014. However, our relationship with the area is not new, as my wife's family (Parents, sister, niece and nephews and their offspring) have been here for over 25 years, so I am not the stranger I might appear to be! My background is in education. I am a graduate PE specialist and taught in Cheshire, and Sheffield in 3 schools, becoming a Head of Department in all. In 1987 I was appointed as Adviser for Outdoor Education to Leicestershire Local Authority, and in 1991 became Principal PE Adviser in the same Authority. Two years later I became an Ofsted Inspector, and worked as a School Improvement Officer to schools in Leicestershire until 2006. I then left to work as an independent consultant, working, to begin with in the Midlands. I was then contacted by a major training company to deliver staff training courses across England and Wales. This led to me working with the American Independent Schools. I then went on to work as a consultant to the Independent schools in Dubai, and for 2 years worked with the Government and Churches of Malta to re-organise their Primary transfer system. I also worked as a consultant and course assessor for Association for PE (AfPE), and remain one of the members of the Institute of Expert Witnesses.Now, nominally retired I maintain my love of sport by being an active member of Lynton and Lynmouth Bowling Club, where I compete regularly, and contribute as a qualified Coach, as well as remaining active for AfPE. My passion continues through my work as Chair of Governors to WEF, and as a contributor to a wider group of Primary schools working together across North Devon. I want the Federation to continue to improve and move forward. I have an obvious interest in that my grandchildren, and nephew attend Lynton, but I wish this for all children in all of the schools of the Federation. I am particularly pleased that all three schools gained an Ofsted grade of “Good” in their respective inspections in 2016, and I am sure that we will all work hard to gain a higher accolade next time around.For the last three years I have been a member of the Devon Schools Independent Appeals Panel working to resolve disputes over school places and excluded children. I have also in this time organised a North Devon Primary Schools Bowling competition for yrs5/6 at Lynton and Lynmouth Bowling Club.I hope that I am approachable to all about their feelings and concerns about the Federation, and will endeavour to do my best for all the children in all of the schools, to ensure they receive the best possible education they can.I can always be contacted via any school office or via
Esther Bray - Vice-Chair of governors & Foundation Governor

My name is Esther. I grew up in Cornwall where I attended a small, village primary school. My secondary school education was in a larger comprehensive school, where I completed my A levels. I graduated from Cardiff University with a Masters degree in Pharmacy in 2003, then moved to Worcester where I worked as a Hospital Pharmacist whilst also completing a Clinical Pharmacy diploma. I moved to North Devon in 2007 to take up the role of Antimicrobial Pharmacist at North Devon District Hospital. I am married to Matthew. He is a dairy farmer and his family have always lived and farmed in the area. We have two boys who attend Parracombe, Henry who is in year 6 and William who is in Year 4. Ever since Henry started at the federation, I have been very impressed with both the quality of the care and education he has received.As a family, we attend Brookdale church in Ilfracombe. I am keen to support the federation in bringing Christian faith into the children’s daily lives. I have experience of helping at youth groups and the summer holiday club within our church. I enjoy learning about the running of the three schools and supporting the federation by being part of the governing body.
Foundation Governor - Judy Crowther
Jo Harrison - Co-Opted Governor

I moved with my husband, Harry, to Parracombe in June 2019 from Hertfordshire in order to take on a house renovation project and experience a change of lifestyle. We have three children, all in their 20s, having fled the nest and now living independent lives in various locations nationwide. I have prior experience in Governorship as a parent governor for my children's infant school and also as a staff governor at the secondary school where I taught Maths and was an Assistant Head in charge of pastoral care. I am looking forward to working with the staff and parents at the West Exmoor Federation and will be Link Governor for SEND, Years 3/4 at Parracombe and Children in care. When I am not project managing my house renovation, you will mostly find me endeavouring to grow vegetables or learning to surf as well as walking the coastal and moorland paths.
Jillian Kelly - Staff Governor
My name is Jill Kelly and I am the staff governor at West Exmoor Federation. Having graduated with a BEd (Hons) in Secondary Physical Education (PE) in 2005, I went on to work within the role of School Sports Co-ordinator, where I was responsible for all of the Primary PE within our local learning community. After having my own 3 children, who all attend our federation schools, my passion for teaching began to shift. Through my own children I was able to see the importance of teaching the whole child rather than an individual subject and it was then that I made the big leap to taking on a position as Early Years Practitioner at Little Berries pre-school. Instantly knowing that this was the right decision for me, my love of early years has flourished. I truly believe in the child centred approach where every child is on a unique learning journey and am very fortunate to work within a federation where this is celebrated.My role within Little Berries saw me progress on to Deputy Manager and then onward again into our Reception class and more recently our Key Stage 1 class. Currently now Early Years lead across the federation, as well as responsible for Year 1 and 2, my passion for Early Years is firmly embedded. I am in the very fortunate position of working alongside our Little Berries team and children as well as then being part of the children’s lives as they begin their journeys into school and then onto Years 1 & 2.
Jayne Peacock - Ex-Officio (Executive Headteacher)
Early in my teens I decided that I wanted to be a teacher. This was, in no small part, due to having a younger sister who is profoundly deaf. I spent a great deal of time supporting her learning as she progressed through school and I found this to be extremely rewarding. However, I made a conscious decision not to go straight to University when I left school and spent two years working as the Personal Assistant to the Managing Director of a construction company. During this time I also worked on a voluntary basis for ‘Friends of the Young Deaf’, organising holidays and training programmes for disadvantaged hearing and deaf children/young adults; my involvement with this organisation continued until I moved to Devon. I graduated from Brighton University in 1993 with a Bachelor of Education (Hons) Degree, specialising in English and Special Educational Needs. My teaching career began in East Grinstead, West Sussex, before I took up a post in Hammersmith, West London, where I taught in a Unit for Hearing Impaired children. Eventually I returned to mainstream teaching in Lindfield, West Sussex, where I took on the role of Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator before being appointed as the Deputy Headteacher and eventually Acting Headteacher. During this time I also completed a Masters of Arts (Education) Degree and successfully completed the National Professional Qualification for Headteachers (NPQH). In 2001 I moved to Devon to take up the Headship of Lynton CE Primary School and, in turn, was appointed to the Executive Headship of the West Exmoor Federation in January 2007. Alongside my Headship of the federation, I have worked as a remodelling consultant for the Local Authority, trained as an Ofsted inspector and been appointed, amongst other things, as a Local Leader for Education by the National College for Teaching and Leadership. I am married and have a son, Henry, who has just moved on to secondary school having attended Little Berries, Kentisbury and Parracombe Schools - I could not have wished for him to have had a better start to his school career.
Reverend Miles Welborn - Ex-Officio & Foundation Governor
I'm the Rector of the Lyn Valley Mission Community, a group of 8 Anglican churches in North Devon. I grew up in Berkshire and came to faith in my late teenage years and moved to Herefordshire. I took part in a ministry experience programme and was based in a rural parish before working at the Cathedral. I attended Ripon College Cuddesdon in Oxfordshire and completed a BA in theology before taking up my first ordained post in a group of churches in West Oxfordshire. My wife Katie, our son Jesse, and I moved to Lynton and I took up this new role in July 2024. I have worked with rural primary schools in Herefordshire and Oxfordshire and I'm really looking forward to being involved in the life of the West Exmoor Federation.
Sue Stokes - Co-Opted Governor

I joined West Exmoor Federation in April 2013 with my husband Jan, currently the Chair of Governors. e moved to Devon in 2012 to join family and have 2 grandchildren living in Lynton. Our Grand daughter attends Lynton School and Grandson Stepping Stones. Having made a firm decision at the age of 18 that teaching was what I wanted to do, I have spent my working life involved with young people. I have a Master’s Degree in Education Management and taught young people from ages 11 to adult. My teaching has essentially been in large secondary schools, comprehensive, traditional selective grammar schools, sixth form colleges and establishments for adult education. The last 20 years of my career were in school management, initially in a Community College and for the later 13 years as a High School Deputy Head with extended periods as Acting Headteacher. My principle responsibilities involved the management of standards within the school, curriculum and the quality of teaching and learning. I have always felt privileged to spend my career doing a job that I loved. I have over 20 years as a governor working within the school system and try to bring this experience into my current role as Chair of the Federation Improvement Committee. I am passionate about ensuring that young people are given the very best education possible and hope that I can make an effective contribution to the communities of Lynton, Kentisbury and Parracombe.