Science at the West Exmoor Federation
Our Science Curriculum
We take the National curriculum statements and provide an enhanced version of this which excites and encourages curiosity and inventiveness. Science is vital to our world’s future prosperity and therefore children’s engagement with it is the key to developing our future. We plan opportunities for children to ask and answer questions to develop scientific knowledge and to understand the nature, processes and methods of science. We map these into a coherent and sequential progression model that outlines the knowledge, skills and vocabulary needed at each stage that will build to clearly defined end points. The progression grid is mapped into the long term rolling programme for the Federation and teachers then plan at a more detailed level the sequencing of content to be taught across each unit. Throughout these lessons, we plan to equip children with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.
We ensure that teachers of the subject have excellent subject knowledge, and leadership supports that acquisition of this for NQT and non-specialist teachers. We use resources such as Reach CPD and Explorify to support the teaching of science. Subject matter is presented clearly, teachers carefully check learning and identify misconceptions, providing direct feedback. Resources from PLAN ensure that progression is clear and planning for assessment evidenced. Teaching is designed to ensure that childrens’ knowledge is sticky. Science is carefully resourced to ensure we have all the specialism and resources required to provide children with hands-on practical experiences. Children can make observations and test theories to find answers to their questions about the world around them. Children are given the opportunity to investigate in a team or independently to explain their ideas, predict what may happen and analyse the results. They work scientifically and use appropriate scientific vocabulary when talking about their ideas and findings. They present their findings through graphs, tables and conclusions. Scientific learning and enquiry is included and encouraged across the curriculum in all year groups.
Learners develop detailed scientific knowledge, skills and vocabulary. We check this through regular pupil voice and collecting evidence of outcomes which we measure against our age based progression grids. Pupils are well prepared at each stage to be ready for the next stage of learning. Children show a love of science and eagerness to find out more.
PLAN Prorgression in Knowledge
PLAN Progression in Vocabulary
PLAN Progression in Scientific Enquiry